Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rush screws up (no, the other Rush)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, everybody's pissed-off at Rush Limbaugh. Fake-assed outrage and all that, blah blah blah.
But this article at The Daily really bummed me out.  Sure, the main point of the article is that David Axelrod can see fit to rip Romney for not condemning Limbaugh while at the sime time being sheduled to appear on Bill "Sarah Palin's a cunt" Maher's show. Bad ju-ju, that.
What really got under my skin, though, is the last sentence:
Late Tuesday, the 1970s rock band Rush demanded Limbaugh stop playing their music before and after commercial breaks. A lawyer for the band accused Limbaugh of “using Rush’s recorded music as part of what is essentially a political broadcast.”
This is really sad, considering the Objectivist nature of much of the band's earlier material.